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Our Church Session, which includes our pastors (Ministers of the Word and Sacrament) and Ruling Elders, is the governing body of our church. Your current leaders include: 


Ruling Elders:​

Class of 2024: Anne Harryman, Julie Kaebnick, Kathryn Marino and Jeff Waring

Class of 2025: Kathy Doughten, Cole Asher, Stacey Torgerson and Jacob Yunker

Class of 2026: Barbara Kuhn and Margaret Fadeley

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​The Deacons are the caregivers of the congregation who provide pastoral care, along with the pastors, to our homebound members and meet other needs of our members. Each December, along with the ministers, they lead a Service of Hope and Healing for those for whom the holidays are a difficult time. Our current deacons include:

Class of 2024: Phil Egerton, Robin Hughes, and Matthew Torgerson

Class of 2025: Suraj Alexander, Glenna Henkenmeier and Nina McMahon

Class of 2026: Jane Benner, Gayle Bonnarens and Ann Walthall

Faith Community Nurse: Pat Welsh

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Elders and members of the congregation serve on our committees which is where much of the work of Anchorage Presbyterian Church is done. See below for the mission statements and descriptions of standing committees. There are also task forces and subcommittees that are formed from time to time to ensure that work is completed in an effective and efficient manner and that the needs of the congregation and the community are met.

To take a leadership position in maintaining and improving the conditions of our buildings and property in a manner that preserves the integrity for continued long term presence, appealing appearance and proper stewardship of the funds allocated to do so.

  • Maintenance and Repairs - Investigate issues that might have been submitted informally or formally. Determine if the issue can be fixed with in house time and talent or if it must be hired out. Oversee repairs and review invoices.

  • Safety – Be observant and proactive regarding visitor safety issues, as they pertain to the buildings and grounds.

  • Long Term Integrity – Be proactive in observing and take action on issues which ensure the building will be in good condition for many generations in the future.

Areas of Responsibility:
Grass, trees, bushes, plantings and leaf removal; Driveway, parking and sidewalks; Snow removal, sidewalk treatment during inclement weather; Plumbing; Electrical; Lighting and lightbulb replacement; Heating and air conditioning
Structural; Interior paint and finishes; Doors, railings windows; Brickwork, exterior trim; Roofing, gutters, downspouts
All other physical items attached to building or grounds; Make budgetary recommendations to the Finance Subcommittee.

PERSONNEL: Chair: Julie Kaebnick
MISSION:Work with the Pastor(s) in establishing and maintaining personnel policies and practices. Conduct annual review of the Pastor(s) and all paid staff

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Develop, evaluate and maintain staff job descriptions and personnel policies

  • Conduct annual review of Pastor(s) and all paid staff including compensation review

  • Together with the Pastor(s) make recommendations to the Finance Subcommittee regarding changes in employee compensation and budgetary recommendations

  • Hear and act upon employer grievances issues

  • In a timely manner address succession planning issues

FINANCE: Chair: Bill Jessee

AND STEWARDSHIP: Chair: John Harryman/Catie Bayne 

MISSION:Establish and maintain budget and finance policies with the Treasurer and the pastor(s). Be mindful of fiduciary responsibilities with regard to church funds and finances. Be responsible for the planning and implementation of the annual stewardship campaign to encourage the congregation’s systematic support through financial giving and the offering of time and talents. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the subcommittee

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Develop and implement the annual stewardship campaign

  • Prepare the annual budget for Session approval

  • Through the Treasurer report monthly to the Session

  • Oversee the receipt and disbursement of funds

  • Maintain procedures for the counting and recording of church offerings

  • Ensure the annual review of all accounts of the church and report to the session

  • Maintain the records of memorial giving

  • Oversee investment accounts

  • Make an annual report to the congregation on the financial status of the church.


HOSPITALITY: Chair: Stacey Torgerson 
MISSION:Responsible for overseeing all church social events and functions and providing a welcoming environment for members and visitors for a variety of church receptions and activities


Areas of Responsibility:

  • Select and organize social events that meet the needs of the congregation

  • Make sure all activities are on the church calendar

  • Monitor budget for hospitality and fellowship

  • Keep members informed via Bulletin, website and email

  • Coordinate publicity for events with Church Secretary

OUTREACH: Chairs: George Hoge and Jeff Waring 
MISSION:To give our tithes and offerings to faith based organizations identified by APC session and to serve and support our outreach priorities

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Encourage congregation to become involved in outreach and mission participation

  • Make sure all activities are on the church calendar

  • Monitor budget for mission and outreach

  • Keep members informed of outreach activities

WORSHIP: Chair: Barbara Kuhn
MISSION: To review and implement, with the pastor(s), any changes in worship service including the music programs. This committee maintains the Sanctuary and recruits and coordinates volunteers to serve as readers, ushers and the serving of Holy Communion

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Fill positions for ushers and readers

  • Take charge of special services such as outdoor, Advent, Christmas and Easter

  • Fill communion servers 1st Sunday of month and 8:45 service each week 

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