Adult Faith Formation
Parents - "Cup of Grace"
Location: Library
Time: 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
Step on in with a cup of coffee and a cup of grace after you drop your kids off.

Exploring the Faith
Location: Meeting Room and Zoom
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
Teacher: Rev. Barry Ensign-George
The Exploring the Faith class gathers to pursue a deeper understanding of Christian faith, seeking to live the faith more fully. The class does so by exploring the Bible and Presbyterian statements of the faith. Each week's discussion offers opportunity for questions to be asked, insights to be shared, growing faith to be affirmed. You are invited to come and explore!
Adult and Parent Fellowship

Third Friday Dinners
On the third Friday of the month, APC gathers in various church members’ homes for dinner! This is a social event. The main dish will be provided. Guests should bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert to share. BYOB
We ask that you RSVP to the church by the Wednesday before at 245-5818 or emailing us at
Childcare can be provided if we have a week’s notice.

Parents Night Out
Throughout the year, Parents Night Out is held. The church provides free childcare, and the parents can do something fun like bowl, go out to eat, or gather for fellowship at a member's home.