11:00 a.m. Service
Our 11:00 a.m. worship service features the choir, organ, hymns, scripture, and a sermon from one of our pastors.
Hymns are sung out of the hymnals available in each pew. The specific songs are listed in the bulletin you’ll be handed on the way in. The Lord's Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month in this service. This service takes place in the Sanctuary and lasts for about an hour.
Children are welcome to worship with us. We have time for Sharing the Faith with Our Children during the worship service. We also have a nursery for the littlest ones on the second floor. Worship bags with coloring materials are provided at all services and children are always welcome to stay with their parents in the pews.
During the school year, school aged children are invited to attend "Agape Kidz" where they leave the sanctuary during the sermon and sing and do crafts with our children's choir director, Darla, before returning to worship during the offertory. An opportunity to sing with Darla also happens during the Faith Formation hour before this service.
This service is live-streamed on our YouTube page.
8:45 a.m. Service
Our 8:45 a.m. worship service is smaller and more intimate than the 11:00 a.m.
This service always includes the celebration of the Lord's Supper. There is no choir, organ, or sharing the faith with our children. Liturgy is all included in an 8:45 worship book that you can grab on your way into our sanctuary.
Hymns are sung out of the hymnals available in each pew. Hymns are announced before they are sung.This service takes place in the Sanctuary and lasts for about 45 minutes.
Summer Worship
After Memorial Day, we only have one worship service until Rally Day, the kick off to the Sunday School year. This service is at 10:00 a.m. and is almost identical to the 11a.m. service throughout the school year. Sometimes, in the summer, we may hold a worship service outside instead of in our sanctuary.
August 18 (Rally Day) - 11 a.m. worship, Faith Formation classes at 9:45 a.m.
August 25 - 11 a.m. worship, Faith Formation classes at 9:45 a.m.
September 1 - 11 a.m. worship, NO Faith Formation classes
September 8 - 8:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship, Faith Formation classes at 9:45 a.m.