The liturgy for the Three Days proclaims one dramatic story in three acts. The events of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter are best understood as one service, unfolding over the course of three days. Through this profound and transforming experience at the heart of the Christian year, we are immersed in the holy mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection and the great story of God’s saving love.

Maundy Thursday
Fellowship Hall
Maundy Thursday proclaims Jesus’ new commandment to love one another as he has loved us. It celebrates Christ’s example of humble service and self-offering.
We will break bread together, participate in handwashing, and celebrate communion as we begin the three holy days. The meal will be catered and Mediterranean-style, with worship around the table.

Good Friday
St. Luke's Episcopal Sanctuary
The center of this liturgy is the reading of the passion narrative from the Gospel of John, in which Christ is lifted up on the cross as a sign of God’s great love for the world. In the Solemn Intercession, we join Jesus’ prayer for the church and world, as he reaches out with compassion from the cross. Through the Solemn Reproaches of the Cross, we hear Christ’s anguished lament: My people, my church, why have you forsaken me?
In a joint worship service with one of our covenant partners, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, we gather to proclaim the good news of salvation through the paradoxical suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. This service is more contemplative as the passion narrative is read.

Easter Sunday
9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
We celebrate the presence and power of the risen Christ as the church, proclaiming the good news of Jesus through Word and Sacrament.
These two services are identical. Both contain special musicians.
And, after our 11 a.m. service, we host an Easter egg hunt for Anchorage community.