Our Call
As the autumn leaves take on their vibrant hues, I find it an opportune time to turn our attention to this year's theme of stewardship—Anchored in Faith. This year we're changing our approach. The Stewardship Committee has decided not to focus on traditional stewardship sermons or a designated Stewardship Dedication Sunday. The heart of our stewardship experience will be personal reflections shared by you, our church family. These narratives will illuminate what Anchorage Presbyterian Church means to each of us and our families.
Please take note of the upcoming deadline for submitting your pledge cards, which is November 19. You can turn in the enclosed pledge card or conveniently submit your pledge on our stewardship giving page via our website. Your pledges empower our Finance Committee to thoughtfully craft the budget for the upcoming year. Recognizing the impact of inflation, we are respectfully requesting, if it is within your means, a 10% increase in pledges for 2024.
Signs of the Spirit’s invigorating presence are everywhere! Our worship attendance is up, our elders are visioning for the future, our deacons are providing compassion to our members, and our youth program is thriving under John’s leadership, as evidenced by 17 attendees at a recent lock-in.
As we move through this stewardship season, let’s fully embrace our theme—Anchored in Faith. It’s an invitation to not only consider our financial commitments but also reflect on how we might serve as agents of light and compassion in a world deeply in need.
Your ongoing generosity, in time, talent, and treasure, fills me with deep gratitude. Together, let us rededicate ourselves and our resources to God, the endless fount of our blessings,
Get Active
A church is just a building without its people. Anchorage Presbyterian is an active, vibrant community because we have so many members helping us live out our mission every day : Gathering people of God into community; Growing followers of Jesus Christ in faith, hope, and love; and sending servants of the Holy Spirit into the world.
There many ways to get involved. Whether it's supporting church events, helping with worship, joining a committee, engaging in different groups or supporting the numerous charities we sponsor, you will likely find something that enriches your faith journey.
We encourage you not only to give your treasure, but your talent as well by getting more involved in our church.
Contact the church or see if you can lend your skills to one of our church committees committed to making Anchorage Presbyterian a pleasant place to worship and engage in fellowship.
WORSHIP - Our spiritual foundation
This has been a wonderful year of worship. From our Youth Sunday to our 20th anniversary organ celebration, our sanctuary is as vibrant as ever. We are thankful for our many committees, volunteers, choir members, staff, and others who made it possible to join in communion.

SERVICE - Links us to the broader community
Our members take God’s word beyond the church walls through action, supporting organizations like Cabbage Patch Settlement House, Habitat for Humanity, Eastern Area Community Ministries, Cedar Ridge, Kentucky Refugee Ministries and more. We continue our focus on living into being a Matthew 25 church. A Place at the Table committee meets regularly and is hosting an implicit bias training in October.

COMMUNITY - Our safe harbor
We are a faith community, and we grow together through many activities with fellow members. Our annual Bibletimes collaboration with St. Luke's and Epiphany Catholic Churches brought kids from across the area to a fun and faith-filled experience. APC Youth is gaining momentum with a trip to Montreat, the pancake fundraiser and more. This year also offered a unique opporutnity for sabbatical excursions to some of the area's most beautiful and peaceful locations.

What are Your Fellow Members Saying?
Lea Fischbach
George Robertson